East House
Founded in 1966, East House is a comprehensive rehabilitation agency providing a broad range of programs for adults recovering from mental illness and chemical dependency.

More than 1000 clients and their families are served each year by a staff of 130 employees. East House helps individuals get well, improve their family relations, pursue their dreams and reach their potential.

Eighty percent of clients complete their program to live more independently, and become involved in work, school, or training.

East House
1701 Lac De Ville Blvd
Rochester NY 14618
Tel: 585 256-3800
Fax: 585 256-3802
E-mail: info@easthouse.org

East House is a private, nonprofit mental health agency established in 1966 to provide residential services to adults recovering from mental illness. Today, we provide residential, rehabilitation, and support services to individuals recovering from mental illness and chemical dependency. Services include counseling, case management, education and career development services, independent living skills training, social and recreational activities, family education and support. Services are personally tailored to meet individual needs and coordinated with other service providers. To learn more about East House, click on the link and read our newsletter Inside East House.

More than 1,000 clients and families benefited last year from East House services, which are provided by over 130 employees. East House is funded by the New York State Offices of Mental Health, Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services; Monroe County; United Way; client fees; and donations. A sliding-fee scale is available to ensure access to needed services.

Our Mission

The mission of East House is to enable individuals recovering from mental illness, substance abuse, or both to live healthy and fulfilling lives, through personalized rehabilitative, vocational, educational, advocacy and housing services.

our vision

We will be a leader in our field: innovative, growth oriented, client centered and professional. East House will be an inclusive organization, valuing mutual respect for one another. We will be an effective voice for our clients and families, and a visible, collaborative member of the community.