Equinox Community Services Agency
Albany New York

Equinox, Inc., established in 1969, is a non-profit service organization dedicated to providing innovative, holistic, compassionate social services to individuals and families. Services include residential programs for homeless youth and victims of domestic violence, counseling services, advocacy, outreach, and prevention. Working with community partners, we seek to improve the health and quality of life of the people we serve.

Equinox Community Services Agency
95 Central Ave
Albany NY 12206
Tel: 518 434-6135
Fax: 518 434-4502

Equinox is a service organization dedicated to providing innovative, holistic, and compassionate social services to individuals and families. Working together with community partners, we seek to improve the health and quality of life of the people we serve.

Founded in 1969, Equinox began as a volunteer organization to help young people in crisis. Its first program, refer, was a 24-hour crisis intervention center, linking people in need with community resources. Since then, Equinox has expanded to provide a vast array of services for people in need. Services include residential programs for homeless youth and victims of domestic violence, counseling services, advocacy, outreach, and prevention.

Throughout the years, Equinox has kept faith with the guiding principle that each person, if given the proper tools and a nurturing environment, has the unique capacity to heal, to grow and to connect with the larger social fabric of which we are all a part. Equinox works to provide those tools and that environment where individuals can take increased control over their lives, regain personal dignity, realize their special gifts and more fully participate and share in community.

Today, Equinox continues its mission and seeks to meet the increasing and shifting challenges that threaten individuals and their families who might otherwise not receive services. Equinox is committed to the principle that individuals, if given the proper tools and a nurturing environment, have the capacity to heal, grow, take increasing control over their lives, and be a part of the larger social fabric that connects us all. The Equinox community comprises staff, volunteers, current and former clients, and community leaders who have come forward to continue the tradition of people helping people.

As Equinox meets the challenges that lie ahead, it does so with a strong sense of its history and a vision for the future. The continued evolution of the organization’s fiscal and organizational stability, coupled with strong leadership and dedicated staff, help to secure Equinox’s place in the larger community.