Horizon Health Services - Lockport Counseling Center
Chemical Dependency Services

Horizon Health Services is the largest and most comprehensive provider of fully-integrated mental health, behavioral health, chemical dependency, medical and vocational treatment and recovery services in Western New York.

Horizon Health Services
Lockport Counseling Center
36 East Ave
Lockport NY 14094
Tel: 716 433-2484; 716 836-1767
Fax: 716 836-1775

The following services are available at this location:
* Outpatient Treatment for Chemical/Alcohol Dependency
* Adolescent Chemical/Alcohol Dependency Treatment

Drug addiction is a progressive disease.

Long-term drug use can cause devastating physical and psychological problems and dependence. It can interfere with relationships, work, health and more, to the extent where the drug becomes the most important aspect of a person’s life. For most people, addiction begins slowly, but increases rapidly if it goes untreated. Persons with addictions can often stop for awhile but, without professional help, usually revert back to the need to resume drug use.

Recovery from drug addiction is possible. The first step is to determine whether you (or someone you know) have a problem. Symptoms and a self-test for chemical dependency are included below. While they will give you an indication if there is a problem, an assessment by a certified addiction counselor is recommended.

Horizon Health Services' outpatient chemical dependency programs provide opportunities for people to recover from alcohol abuse/dependency. Horizon's staff members work with consumers to develop a plan for recovery that is responsive to their unique needs. We provide a state-of-the-art structured treatment approach with demonstrated effectiveness. All treatment services are provided with caring and respect, under the strictest confidentiality, with the overall goals of:
* preserving and enhancing clients’ dignity;
* helping clients to achieve their personal goals; and
* improving clients’ overall health and quality of life.

Services and Treatment Options

Horizon recognizes that drug problems often negatively effect individuals’ functioning within their family and social group, at work and in the management of their feelings. To address this, Horizon provides a full compendium of services, including:
* comprehensive diagnostic assessment and counseling programs for drug abuse and dependence;
* linkage to medical and psychiatric evaluation and treatment, and to educational and vocational assessment and placement services;
* specialized services for:
- persons with both chemical dependency and mental illness
- families/significant others of persons with addictions
- adolescents who abuse substances
- children of addicted parents
- persons with learning disabilities and intellectual impairments
* referral to Horizon Village for individuals in need of residential drug treatment
* referral to Horizon's Medical Unit and other providers and resources for nicotine replacement therapies and smoking cessation support.