Mid-Erie Counseling & Treatment Services - Buffalo
Adult Mental Health Counseling - Buffalo, NY

Mid-Erie provides an array of holistic, innovative, evidence based mental health and chemical dependency treatment, education and support services to our community.

Mid-Erie Counseling & Treatment Services
1131 Broadway St
Buffalo NY 14212
Tel: 716 896-7350


The mission of Mid-Erie Counseling and Treatment Services is to collaborate with consumers, families and communities to promote wellness and recovery through an array of mental health and chemical dependency treatment education and support services.

* Treat all consumers, family members, staff, colleagues, and funders with dignity, sensitivity, and respect for their cultural and individual differences.
* Provide service in a professional, confidential, and competent manner.
* Design program services based on the needs of the individual within the context of their family and the community.
* Demonstrate a commitment to individual rehabilitation and recovery with emphasis on one's social, living, learning, and working environment.
* Work with customers and their families to achieve their goals of recovery; fostering self-determination, choice, and the maximizing of one's potential.
* Intervene as early as brief as possible.
* Provide effective, affordable, and accessible services.
* Utilize Total Quality Management principles to persue excellence throughout the organization.