Smithers Alcoholism Treatment & Training Center
Located at St. John's Riverside Hospital's ParkCare Pavilion in Yonkers, N.Y., the Smithers Alcoholism Treatment and Training Center is the leader in providing evidence-based inpatient and outpatient treatment for alcoholism and drug dependence.
The Smithers Center also provides research-based education and training programs for counselors, nurses, physicians, medical students and other allied health professionals in the field. Contact us about our 350-hour NYS CASAC educational program.
Smithers Alcoholism Treatment & Training Center
ParkCare Pavilion
St. John's Riverside Hospital
2 Park Ave
Yonkers NY 10703-3402
Tel: 914 964-7537; 877 944-CARE
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide quality and compassionate care to all those affected by alcoholism and other drug dependence.
Our History
Since 1967, St. John’s Riverside Hospital’s ParkCare Pavilion has been a leader in providing treatment for alcoholism and other drug dependence. St. John’s operates one of the largest and most comprehensive treatment systems in New York State and offers a full continuum of hospital inpatient through community based outpatient services.
In May 2008, St. John’s was proud to announce its affiliation with the Christopher D. Smithers Foundation, renowned since 1952 for its commitment to the prevention and treatment of alcoholism and drug dependence and for the recognition of alcoholism as a treatable disease.
In August 2008, the Smithers Center opened a dedicated women’s inpatient rehabilitation program to better meet the unique needs of women in treatment. This gender-separate, gender-specific program is the first of its kind in Westchester.